working axes

Road safety

Planning and implementation of actions aimed at improving road infrastructure, inspection of traffic regulations, data related to road safety, as well as communication and awareness of risk factors with the final goal of transit in the City Autonomous of Buenos Aires.

Bloomberg Philantropies + VITAL STRATEGIES (2020-2025)


The initiative has a duration of five years and consists of providing:

→ Free training for staff and for communication campaigns with empirical evidence messages.

→ Free observational studies of road speed behavior and other risk factors under this framework, the Apertura Foundation accompanies by providing technical assistance in the main lines of work. asistencia técnica en las principales líneas de trabajo.

→ Highly trained personnel to work within road safety agencies and technical assistance from the main road safety organizations.

The actions carried out in the 2022-2023 period are:




  • Advice regarding the implementation of technology technology in public transport.
  • Visit of consultants to the CGM, meeting and field tour by CT Saenz.
  • Presentation of the results of the audit of the Alberdi-Directorio Metrobús project.
  • Road safety audit training en auditoría de seguridad vial al equipo técnico de la secretaría.
  • Charla Importancia de las Auditorías en Seguridad Vial en las obras de transporte y movilidad.
  • Training workshops on Safe School Routes. 
  • Survey on knowledge and assessment of speed limits de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.
  • Guide to road safety audits. 
  • Improvements in the Constitución Transshipment Center.
  • Traffic calming intervention planning on Avenida Triunvirato, in the city of Buenos Aires.


  • Observations to the proposal of reforms of the Penal Code on breathalyzer.
  • Preparation of administrative acts for the implementation of the Road Coexistence Law.
  • Monitoring of the state of progress of the National Zero Alcohol Law project.
  • Update of content of the Driver's Manual.
  • Benchmark driver's licenses for motorcycles.
  • Participation SECTOP virtual workshop on Road Safety Legislation in Argentina.


  • Cuerpo de agentes, revisión indicadores de controles, capacitación a agentes de tránsito.
  • Videos for driver education courses.
  • Procedimiento de descuento y reasignación de puntos del sistema de evaluación permanente de conductores.
  • Online platform for the permanent driver evaluation system. 
  • Motorbike control operations on highways.
  • Controles de motocicletas en la semana mundial de la seguridad vial.





  • Planning study of risk behaviors.
  • Elaboración del diagnóstico de siniestralidad para el Plan de Seguridad Vial de motos.
  • Working table between the Road Observatory and DGCATRA.
  • Improvement of hospital data.
  • Presentación de conteos de velocidad Av. Libertador y estudios observacionales.
  • General Audience Report JHU.
  • Observational breathalyzer planning JHU.




  • Collaboration in the driver's license granting process: Implementation of street exam.
  • Participación en el Conversatorio sobre Movilidad Sustentable de la SECTOP: “Movilidad Segura y Accesible”.
  • Visita de la delegación de Campinas en el marco de la Iniciativa Bloomberg.
  • Road education and awareness days. .
  • Workshop speed management. 
  • Impact panels with relatives of victims for offenders.
  • Taller de Vital Strategies para la implementación de campaña sobre velocidad en Autopistas Urbanas.
  • Launch of the Leading Drivers program.
  • Zero excess plan.
  • Road safety plan training.
  • Visit Vital Strategies: exchange of experiences Colombia-Argentina. 
  • Publicaciones en la Semana Mundial de la Seguridad Vial.